Today I made these cookies. I don't have any purposes why I made these cookies. I just wanna fill my spare time. Keke...Well, since I made it, I'll share to y'all how to make it. Easy. Simple. You don't have to prepare difficult ingredients 'cause you can purchase it from any markets. The ingredients are easy to find. Seriously...*and I'll explain it in bahasa. so don't worry :)
150 g margarin
75 g gula halus
20 g moccachino/chocolate powder
1 btr telur ayam
175 g tepung terigu rendah protein
15 g tepung maizena
suka-suka (you can use chocochips, meises, oreo, cococrunch, etc)
Cara membuat: *i'll share it with picts ;)
1. Kocok margarin, gula halus, bubuk cokelat atau mocca, dan telur dengan mixer selama 30 detik saja.
2. Tambahkan terigu dan maizena ke dalam adonan, aduk hingga rata
3. cetak dengan menggunakan sendok teh diatas loyang yang telah dioles margarin
4. tambahkan bahan pelengkap sesuai dengan selera
5. panggang didalam oven dengan suhu 150 C selama 25 menit atau dengan oven menggunakan api sedang selama 30 menit.
6. voila! jadi...hidangkan setelah agak dingin dan mengeras...:)
so, what do you think? looks delicious, eh? well then, have a great trial...fighting!
p.s.: thanks to my darla, Ari Sulistyani, who shared this recipe to me. love ya! :*
Suhu 1500'C? 150 kali Ta? Krematorium aja pake suhunya 400'C lho :)
emang 150 koq tulisannya...itu maksudnya 150 derajat celsius...huehehehe
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